Description of the different characteristics of wirewound and meltblown PP filter elements
Source: | Author:environment-100 | Release Time:1222 days ago | 278 View | Share:
Wirewound Filter: Wirewound filter element has excellent filtration characteristics. It can remove suspended solids, particles, rust, sediment and other impurities in the liquid.

Wirewound Filter: Wirewound filter element has excellent filtration characteristics. It can remove suspended solids, particles, rust, sediment and other impurities in the liquid.

Melt-blown PP filter element: Melt-blown PP filter element has high filtration accuracy, large filtration flow, low pressure and stable efficiency; The filtration accuracy is controlled stably, and the filter element can be used scientifically according to different filtration requirements.

The above content comes from the Internet. You can also consult us about PP meltblown filter equipment https://www.globalfilter.com.cn/